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Why do Christians Sing?




God’s people have always had a song! Christians are known for singing and have always sung. What did the Israelites do once they’d crossed the Red Sea? They worshipped God through song. King David wrote so many of the worship songs in the Psalms. Think about the picture in Revelation, of multitudes around the throne of Jesus singing, ‘Worthy is the Lamb!’ God’s people have always had a song. And what a song it is!

When we think of what our worship times look like on a Sunday morning we can often think ‘middle of the road’, ‘quite bland’ and ‘uninspiring’. Nothing could be further from the truth if you take a step back and consider what we are singing! Think of how loving and kind Jesus is. Think about how exciting and dynamic the gospel message is. Think about how this is something to be celebrated, something to be declared! It’s good news to be sung: more tender than the sweetest love song, more up-tempo than a speed garage CD, more epic than any Sigur Ros song on your ipod... It’s God’s people gathering together worshiping their Saviour!

God himself sings. God is a happy and joyful God who sings over his people. Zephaniah 3:17 says:

"The Lord your God is in your midst,

a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing."

God sings over us in incredible harmony and with great joy. Christians have always had a song and always will! A song that's full of truth and a song that's full of life changing power!

Written on 01/05/13 by Olly Knight


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