Songs of worship and resources for the Church from Olly Knight

You are the Christ
Jesus reveals himself to us through his word and by his Spirit. This song is based on Jesus' life told through the gospel of Mark. It was written by Tom James and I for the new UCCF resource "Uncover Mark".
Download the chord chart here (Chords in G. Would recommend leading in F or F#)
Come and see the King
Through the pages of his Word
The God who walked on this earth
To serve and not be served
Crowds would gather to see
As the blind were given sight
And hear the power of his voice
As He raised the dead to life
We believe your Word is true
Your Spirit’s opened our hearts to You
You’re our Saviour
We’ll forever sing your praise
Name above all other names
Son of God with power to save
Lord we believe, You are the Christ!
Come and see the man
Who wore a crown of thorns
As He died on the cross
the weight of sin he bore
Now The author of life
Is lifeless where he lays
But see the power of God
As He rises from the grave!
We will tell of You
All our hope in you
As we share your love speak through your Word
Spirit breathe anew
With our faith renewed
May this nation turn to follow You
Copyright 2018 Olly Knight & Tom James ​